Join our Powerful Paws Club

Powerful Paws Club Membership

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Powerful Paws Club Membership

Join Now!

Guide Dogs of the Desert's Powerful Paws Club is a remarkable group of individuals who commit to supporting our work each month. It is because of their generosity that we are able to continue to provide our custom-trained guide dogs for people who are visually impaired at no cost to them. Our Powerful Paws Club members are investing in our students, our mission and our pups!

As a member of our Powerful Paws Club, you choose the amount of your monthly, tax deductible gift. This commitment helps Guide Dogs of the Desert have a consistent flow of funding vital to helping us further our mission! Your donation will be processed automatically on the same day of each month.You can update payment methods or discontinue membership at anytime.

As a way of expressing our sincerest gratitude, when you sign up for the Powerful Paws Club, we would love to gift you with one of the following...

  • $25 Monthly Commitment: Receives a free Guide Dogs of the Desert hat.
  • $35 Monthly Commitment: Receives a free Guide Dogs of the Desert t-shirt. (Size and color options are of your choosing)
  • $50+ Monthly Commitment: Receive your choice of any two merchandise items


This journey of each guide dog is an indescribable, life changing one. The impact of these partnerships reaches greater then anyone could realize. We are honored to continue doing this work. But we cannot do it alone. It is with our community that we can be successful. It is together that we can have our biggest impact

We are excited to continue our story, and we invite you to join us in this next chapter. If you have a question regarding the Powerful Paws Club you can contact Executive Director, Robert Maher: or 760-329-2370

Want to learn more about Guide Dogs of the Desert? Watch the video below!